
The origin of Theatre for Development The origin of Theatre for Development can be traced back in the late 1970s as a social movement that…

2 years ago

Metropoles and Satellites According to Baran

Introduction Andrea Gunder Frank, like Baran, was interested in identifying the causes of underdevelopment, but unlike his predecessor he did…

2 years ago

The Human Liver Structure and functions

The Human liver is an abdominal glandular organ in the digestive system. It is located in the right upper quadrant…

2 years ago

Causes of Underdevelopment according to Baran

Before we come to dependency theories that during the 1970s and after came to dominate large parts of the development…

2 years ago

Parts of Human Body

The human body is more like an entire factory, that produce from the raw materials in the environment, what we…

2 years ago

External Parts of Human Body

The external parts of human body are connected to the five major sense organs which tell us about our surroundings.

2 years ago

Human Brain Structure and Functions

The Human brain, a jelly-like substance, is the most important body part and is located in the head, right under…

2 years ago


Green plants make food by a chemical process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process of capturing and transforming the energy…

2 years ago

Structure and types of stems

 There are basically two types of stems - herbaceous stems and woody stems. Herbaceous plants have soft, green, juicy stems…

2 years ago

Types of leaves and leaf structure Leaves are specialised to capture light for photosynthesis. Mainly, it is observed that the environment determines the type of…

2 years ago