
Acting Warm ups in the 3 Phases

Introduction In development, work there is a need to relax the human mind while dealing with issues of development otherwise…

2 years ago

The Research Process in Theatre For Development

Introduction The term process carries the meaning of a series of actions, tasks or steps that are taken to achieve…

2 years ago

Artistic Code Creation

Introduction You have collected and analyzed a lot of information. You have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that…

2 years ago

Qualitative research (QR) in Theatre for Development

Qualitative research has many branches. The reason for the so many branches that make up qualitative research is that researchers…

2 years ago

Chalimbana Popular Theatre Workshop 1979

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZHvMV5WYHQ In Zambia, the theatre workers found the Botswana Theatre for Development ideas very attractive. The Chalimbana Popular Theatre Workshop…

2 years ago

The origin of popular theatre in Botswana

Popular theatre began in Botswana in 1974 with a programme that was called 'Laedza Batanani'. The idea came from Ross…

2 years ago

The Origin of Chikwakwa Theatre

https://youtu.be/5Gui63DNBKw The Chikwakwa Theatre came into being in the 1960s gave rise to new theatre groups. The leaders of Chikwakwa…

2 years ago

Theory of Conscientization

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqSyJ5koDmI TFD is rooted in the theory of conscientization attributed to the Brazilian Adult Educator, Paulo Freire who worked with…

2 years ago

The Concept of Theatre for Development (TfD)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_-eBBB2-EQ Theatre for Development refers to the theatre for community animation theatre for integrated development, theatre for the marginalised, theatre…

2 years ago

The origin of Theatre for Development

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZY-JV9Bj6Y The origin of Theatre for Development can be traced back in the late 1970s as a social movement that…

2 years ago