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Divine Timing Manifestation. What is it About?

Divine Design or Divine Timing Manifestation is a motivational story adopted from Perfect Self Expression or The Divine Design motivational Story as narrated in this video.

Divine Design or Divine Timing Manifestation

Divine Design and self-expression

There is for each man, perfect self-expression. There is a place which he is to fill and no one else can fill, something which he is to do, which no one else can do; it is his destiny! This achievement is held, a perfect idea in Divine timing, awaiting man’s recognition.

As the imaging faculty is the creative faculty, it is necessary for man to see the idea, before it can manifest. So, man’s highest demand is for the Divine Design of his life. The perfect plan includes health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression. This is the square of life, which brings perfect happiness.

When one has made this demand, he may find great changes taking place in his life, for nearly every man has wandered far from the Divine Design. I know, in one woman’s case, it was as though a cyclone had struck her affairs, but readjustments came quickly, and new and wonderful conditions took the place of old ones. Perfect self-expression will never be labor; but of such absorbing interest that it will seem almost like play.

The student knows, also, as man comes into the world financed by God, the supply needed for his perfect self-expression will be at hand. Many a genius has struggled for years with the problem of supply, when his spoken word, and faith, would have released quickly, the necessary funds. A woman’s perfect self-expression may be in becoming a perfect wife, a perfect mother, a perfect home-maker and not necessarily in having a public career.

Demand definite leads, and the way will be made easy and successful. One should not visualize or force a mental picture. When he demands the Divine Design to come into his conscious mind, he will receive flashes of inspiration, and begin to see himself making some great accomplishment. This is the picture, or idea, he must hold without wavering. The thing man seeks is seeking him – the telephone was seeking Bell! Parents should never force careers and professions upon their children.

Spiritual Truth

With a knowledge of spiritual Truth, the Divine Plan could be spoken for, early in childhood, or prenatally. A prenatal treatment should be: “Let the God in this child have perfect expression; let the Divine Design of his mind, body and affairs be made manifest throughout his life, throughout eternity.” God’s will be done, not man’s; God’s pattern, not man’s pattern, is the command we find running through all the scriptures, and the Bible is a book dealing with the science of the mind. It is a book telling man how to release his soul (or subconscious mind) from bondage.

The battles described are pictures of man waging war against mortal thoughts. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” Every man is Jehoshaphat, and every man is David, who slays Goliath (mortal thinking) with the little white stone (faith). So man must be careful that his is not the “wicked and slothful servant” who buried his talent.

There is a terrible penalty to be paid for not using one’s ability. Often fear stands between man and his perfect self-expression. Stage-fright has hampered many a genius. This may be overcome by the spoken word or treatment. The individual then loses all self-consciousness, and feels simply that he is a channel for Infinite Intelligence to express Itself through. He is under direct inspiration, fearless, and confident; for he feels that it is the “Father within” him who does the work.

A young boy came often to my class with his mother. He asked me to “speak the word” for his coming examinations at school. I told him to make the statement: “I am one with Infinite Intelligence. I know everything I should know on this subject.” He had an excellent knowledge of history, but was not sure of his arithmetic. I saw him afterwards, and he said: “I spoke the word for my arithmetic, and passed with the highest honors; but thought I could depend on myself for history, and got a very poor mark.” Man, often receives a set-back when he is “too sure of himself,” which means he is trusting to his personality and not the “Father within.”

So, through the truth, man is set free from the law of Karma, sin and death, and manifests the man made in “His image and likeness.” Man’s freedom comes through fulfilling his destiny, bringing into manifestation the Divine Design of his life. His lord will say unto him: “Well done thou good and faithful servant, thou have been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things (death itself); enter thou into in the joy of thy Lord (eternal life).” attraction assumption awakening manifesting trust timing ascension.

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