Management Control ensures the human physical and technological resources are allocated and utilised to achieve the overall purpose of the…
Democracy is the best form of government. Here are some of the Merits of Democracy that apply to the majority…
This article presents the main conditions which should be in place for successful working democracy in any democratic nation. Sound…
The word ‘democracy» is a term that comes from Greek and is made up of two other words: demos= People…
Read and find out more about the relationships between learning and training in different contexts
Industrial psychology and organizational psychology are different but interconnected areas, such that they are usually used interchangeably.
Addressing food insecurity requires the designing and implementation of interventions which are appropriate to particular causes of food insecurity. There…
The FBS which is explained in our last post shows how government can trace and have some idea of food… The 4 Pillars of Food Security This article specifies and discusses the four pillars which determine food security status…
Gender is a very important element in analysis if one takes into account its role. In this post we discuss…
The food balance sheet is basically a 'mathematical spread sheet' presentation of aggregate food requirements netted against available food stocks…
Data Collection and Dissemination The Central Statistical Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives play a critical role in…