Five Operant conditioning procedures are defined by the presentation or removal of a reinforcement or punishment.
Read through this article and learn more about some educational implications of the operant conditioning theory
Humanistic theory is a principle based on the appreciation of other human beings, unconditionally, for their self-fulfilment in life.
Cognitive Field or Gestalt theory was formulated by a group of German Psychologists, namely Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler.…
The Thorndike's Theory reveals that the foundation of learning is the association between sense impressions and impulses to action.
Benjamin Bloom (1956) developed three different levels of classifying learning outcomes or objectives. These are also known as Bloom's Types…
The social cognitive learning theory, has developed over the years to explain alternative ways through which learning takes place in…
This article explores Jerome Bruner's theory of development, his three modes of representation, and his beliefs on learning, language, and…
In 1956, the American educational psychologist Robert M. Gagné proposed a system of classifying different types of learning in terms…