Educational Technology: Conceptual Discussion

Educational Technology: Conceptual Discussion

In this post, the meaning of ‘Educational Technology’ shall be provided. You will learn some terminologies and concepts used in this field of specialization in course of the discussion.

Educational Technology: Conceptual Discussion
Educational Technology: Photo by Julia M Cameron on

The Meaning of Educational Technology: Wrong Interpretations

Educational Technology, as a concept, and as a field of study has come of age. Nonetheless, its correct meaning has always posed a lot of problem to many people. Heimlich, Michael, James and Sharon (2002) recognised this fact and said that their efforts to explaining the meaning of educational technology started with the attempts to explain what the discipline is not.

What does the term “Educational Technology mean to you?

Compare your response to activity one above with that of some of your study group members, you will note the different answers that have been given from different perceptions. Each of you have also defined what constitutes the meaning of the concept – educational technology.

As you will soon realize, a large percentage of the meanings that you have given will be incorrect interpretation of the concept under discussion. However, if your answer is found to tally with what is regarded as the correct interpretation of the concept here, then, accept my congratulations!!!

There are a lot of misconceptions as regards the meaning of educational technology. To many, it is a discipline associated with the use of audiovisual media in education. Some use the term software and hardware as synonyms of educational technology. Whereas, some people are comfortable with the term teaching machines as the meaning of educational technology. Generally, the difference in the two disciplines of “introductory technology and educational technology or instructional technology” are often overlooked. The truth of the matter is that none of the above could actually be taken as correct interpretation of the meaning of educational technology concept.

Literary Interpretation of Educational Technology

A further attempt at explaining the meaning of educational technology is to provide the literal interpretation of the two major concepts of “education” and “technology” (the two concepts that are fused together that provide the name “educational technology”).

“Education” is another elusive term that means many things to many people. According to Oxford English Dictionary (2000), the term means “a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges to improve knowledge and develop skills”. There seems to be a consensus among definers of the term education. Education is regarded as “that which is given to an individual to make them develop socially, morally, and intellectually as to allow for his/her personal overall development and the development of the community in which he/she finds himself/herself”.

Literary Interpretation of Educational Technology

By implication, education, whether formal or informal, is goal-oriented. It is to be functional, qualitative and socio-personal driven. Socio-personal in the sense that it must be tailored toward serving the society and the personality involved. This accounts for why every society is concerned and deeply involved in the content and quality of education given to the individuals in the society. It is because of the role attributed to education by the society that account for its being defined as “transmission and renewal of culture from one generation to another”.

“Technology” on the other hand, is simply defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “a body of knowledge which when used / applied helps in solving problems”.

One can then infer, from the literal point of view, that educational technology means “application of a body of knowledge (technology) to solving educational problems. Adeyanju (1999), Balogun and Abimbade (2002) are of the opinion that “the contributions of technology to education constitute or mean educational technology.”

Specialists Interpretation of Educational Technology

The specialists in educational technology seem not to be satisfied with the literal meaning of the term educational technology. This may not be unconnected with the fact that the concept of is not easily associated with one universally accepted definition. Again, the literal meaning looks rather too simple and lacks some “jaegers” associated with other disciplines like law, sociology, and psychology, etc. Thus, according to the specialists, educational technology can be explained by looking at the two major components of the concept “technology in education” and “technology of education”.

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